Get Your Vehicle Fall Ready

Get Your Vehicle Fall Ready

Get Your Vehicle Fall Ready

Car Maintenance Tips for Fall

As fall approaches, now is the time to prepare your vehicle for falling temperatures. Taking care of your car will help maintain its value, appearance, and ride quality. Whether your vehicle needs a routine oil change or fall car care, we invite you to choose the service center at Autoworld of Conway near North Myrtle Beach and Little River. Our certified technicians have the skills it takes to perform exceptional vehicle service and maintenance on all makes and models including classic cars.

Take Care of the Engine Components

Our fall maintenance tips include caring for vital engine components. Fall is the perfect time to schedule a routine oil change, and our technicians can also check fluid levels - including the coolant and brake fluids. Before cold weather arrives, we recommend checking your vehicle’s battery to determine its remaining life. When it comes to battery care, it’s wise to be proactive so you don't end up with a dead battery at an inconvenient time.

Check Your Brake System and Tire Quality

Fall vehicle maintenance should also include checking your tires and brakes. Even if your car runs well, it’s a good idea to have routine brake service so you know you can stop safely - especially when the rainy weather arrives.

Our team will check your brake lights, and they check your tire treads. When they check your tread depth, they will notify you if you need new tires to stay safe on slippery roads. They will also check the tire pressure and fill them if needed. Extreme weather changes can cause your tire pressure to change quickly, and we welcome you to visit our service center for tire pressure checks and refills during our open hours.

Maintain Visibility to Stay Safe

Staying safe on the road can be as easy as taking care of your vehicle’s windshield wiper blades and filling your windshield washer fluid. The service team at Autoworld of Conway carries a broad inventory of wiper blades for all makes and models, and they can replace them to keep your windshield clear when the weather changes.

Our team can also help you with your vehicle’s exterior lights. As your vehicle ages, your headlights and tail lights lose their effectiveness. Our experienced service technicians can replace LED, halogen, and xenon headlights and tail lights.

We also recommend keeping your vehicle clean. Whether you clean your car yourself or take it through a car wash, it’s a good idea to dry the door jambs to prevent dirt and junk from building up.

Visit Autoworld of Conway For More Fall Car Maintenance Tips

The friendly team at Autoworld of Conway in Conway, SC is ready to help you get your vehicle ready for falling temperatures. We invite you to use our convenient online scheduling tool to arrange your fall maintenance visit.