• Where are you located?
  • We are located at 5333 Highway 90, Conway, South Carolina and 850 East Hwy 501, Conway, South Carolina.
  • How much money do you need to have down?
  • Depending on how we finance your vehicle, down payments will vary. We offer on lot financing (Buy Here Pay Here) for customers with challenged credit history or no credit at all. We offer bank financing from 2.9% APR for well qualified purchasers through banks such as Wells Fargo, ALLY and Credit Unions. Several of these banks also have first time buyers programs. Our secondary banks offer those who have past credit challenges, to re-establish themselves and rebuild their credit.
  • In short-we can help almost anyone in with any situation. Begin the process by stopping by or applying here online at our website.
  • How does finance work?
  • Once an application is created it is sent to one of our many banks so that together we can choose the best financial path for your situation. Our goal is to obtain the BEST possible interest rate and the BEST possible payment for you, our customer.
  • What types of finance do you have?
  • We offer on lot financing (Buy Here Pay Here), Primary financing with rates from 2.9%, Secondary financing with rates from 9.9%, and sub prime financing that will handle even the most challenged credit situations.
  • Warranties, what are they and how do they work?
  • Many of our vehicles are sold with a FREE 3 month warranty. Past that, anyone can upgrade this warranty with up to a 4 year unlimited mile ultimate plus warranty or anything in between. Our warrantees are transferrable and claims can be performed at garages throughout the United States. So you are protected, even while on a road trip.
  • What are your hours?
  • Our hours of business are Monday-Saturday; open 8:00am- 6:00pm
  • Do you have to have full coverage insurance?
  • State law requires that drivers of vehicles that are financed must carry full coverage insurance.
  • How can I tell when my vehicle needs service?
  • A maintenance light that comes up on the dash of your vehicle like the Check engine, Maintenance light, and then your drivability.
  • What is the TPMS light?
  • The TPMS light stand for (Tire pressure monitoring system).
  • What services do you offer?
  • We have a full service repair facility ONSITE. All cars are serviced before they are sold. Our technicians perform basic services such as oil changes, coolant flushes, transmission and differential services to timing belt changes, engine overhauls, transmission rebuilds and tracking down major electrical gremlins. If it involves four wheels, our staff can diagnose and repair anything from a light bulb or fuse to complete air conditioning service and rear differential rebuilds. We do everything in house to save our customers expensive repair bills.